Same Day Emergency Care

Dr. Schmidt understands that emergencies don’t always wait for appointments. That’s why he offers same day emergency dental care. Just call the office number and make sure we understand that your case is an emergency. We will do our best to make time for you that same day.
What should I do In case of a dental emergency?
Immediately call Dr. Schmidt at the main office number. If there are emergency non-dental injuries, or if you cannot immediately reach our office, then seek medical assistance at the closest emergency room. Make sure to leave us a message so that we can get you in to our office as soon as possible.
What should I do if I have a broken tooth?
• If there are other medical emergencies, seek care at the closest emergency room
• Rinse your mouth with warm water
• Apply gentle pressure to the gums, not the tooth, to stop any bleeding
• If possible, save any tooth pieces that have broken off
• Call our main number as soon as you are able and identify your situation as an emergency. The sooner you can get in to our office the better, as it will give us the best chance to save as much of your original tooth as possible. We will do everything we can to make sure you are seen that same day.
Appointment request
Need an appointment with a dentist in Saginaw ? Requesting an appointment at our Saginaw, MI family and cosmetic dental office is now easier than ever. Fill out the form below and we'll contact you to find a time that fits your schedule. Start your journey towards a beautiful smile with us today!
Patient Name*
Phone Number*
Email Address
Are you a current patient?
Best time(s) to call?
Preferred Appt Date
Preferred Appt Time
Describe the nature of your appointment or any other comments