Orthophos SL/AI by Sirona
Dr. Paul Schmidt have invested in Orthophos SL/AI by Sirona to see more of your teeth and surrounding structure as it relates to your dental anatomy. Traditional dental x-rays are cumbersome and may cause a gagging reflex. 3D scans are much more comfortable, much less invasive, and provide a more relaxed and enjoyable treatment experience. The accuracy, precision, and clarity of images produced by 3D scans allow your dental professional to provide a better diagnosis, and helps prepare for a wide range of dental procedures, such as:
• Accurate placement of dental implants
• Extraction planning for impacted teeth
• Diagnosing temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ)
• Evaluation of the jaw, sinuses, nerve canals, and nasal cavity
• Determining bone structure and tooth orientation
3D scans produce precise, anatomically accurate images of both hard and soft tissues with exceptional detail and clarity. These images allow your dentist to plan and place implants exactly at the right position
with perfect alignment and height. 3D scans are equally useful in creating anatomically-precise oral devices that position the mouth in such a way to help prevent snoring.
A typical 3D panoramic scan of your entire head, neck, and jaw takes approximately 14 seconds to complete. You will be asked to stand (or in some instances, sit) and the dental professional will position you so that the area of interest is properly centered. You will be asked to remain very still while the cone beam scanner revolves around your head. Most 3D dental imaging units have grasp handles to help you stay still comfortably, and a small stabilizing mouthpiece or chin rest bite block to stabilize or reduce your movement and it’s non-invasive.