
Orthodontic treatment corrects a “bad bite” by exerting a gentle pressure over time to straighten teeth. Modern braces are much less noticeable, and some patients can even be treated with practically invisible braces, called Invisalign® and SureSmile®.
What is Invisalign®?
One of the latest and most exciting advances for patients with malocclusion (bad bite and/or crooked teeth) is Invisalign ® and the other new clear aligners. Invisalign® is the brand name for a new kind of braces that are removable and practically invisible. It is actually a series of clear aligners that you wear like an athlete wears a mouthpiece. As the treatment progresses, your teeth gradually move to fit the aligner, and then you start wearing the next aligner. Dr. Schmidt will design the treatment program so that by the time you are finished wearing the last aligner in the series, your teeth will have adjusted to the proper position.
Who is a good candidate for Invisalign®?
Once your permanent teeth are in, usually between the ages of twelve and fourteen, you are a candidate for Invisalign®. While teens love how invisible their orthodontic treatment can be, Invisalign® is especially popular with adults. Now it is not too late for people to address crooked teeth and bad-bite issues later in life. Before Invisalign®, some adults thought they were “too old” to have metal braces on their mouth. Ask Dr. Schmidt whether your dental problems can be treated with the Invisalign® technology.
What are the advantages of Invisalign®?
• Invisalign® can treat many orthodontic problems
• It is clear and practically invisible - nobody has to know you are straightening your teeth
• You can remove it to brush and floss your teeth as normal
• You can remove it to eat and drink what you want- just put it back in when you are done
• It is very comfortable. There are no wires or brackets and no adjustments
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